

  Wandering the city of Portland on foot rewards your soul. The city is full of low profile historic buildings, ones you can relate to, giving a human feel to the place. There are many walks you can take, the Eastside warehouse district, the Northwest neighborhood district, Washington or Waterfront Park.  Perhaps though, no district defines Portland more than the Pearl. Here trendy shops and restaurants rub shoulders with small manufacturing and service buildings. The district is changing fast, with the trendy out bidding the older tenants for space. Here you find buildings in transition, a kind of limbo where owners weigh the potential of the property. These buildings show the patina of time and emptiness. A broken window here and there.  Such it was when I passed an idle warehouse building with three windows marked by street art, the wear of time, a few panes broken. The evening was bringing darkness quickly. The windows already colorful, reflected the glitz and brightness of a c


  What can you say of late winter, January blue, February not really a month, March with all its promises both real and not. The year just started, but not set. You wonder where the red penguin walked this winter. You find solace in your studio, brush in hand, looking at paint colors, imagining about the year…